GES Dates

1/2/23 Back to School! Happy New Year!

1/3/23 6:00 Goochland Board of Supervisors will vote on whether they will fund the increased amount for the building of the new school.

1/4/23 Division Spelling Bee 6:30 at the GHS Auditorium 

1/9/23 Goochland Reads Reveal - What will this year's book be???

1/13 Report Cards Go Home

1/16/23 Schools Closed in Observance of MLK, Jr. Day

1/18/23 Fourth Grade In School Field Trip/Fifth Grade students begin D.A.R.E. classes!

1/27/23 The Wizard of Oz Performance for Grades 3, 4, 5

1/31/23 School wide 100th Day of School Celebration IF we do not have any snow days!!